Vectra Cognito Detect is a solution used for detecting and responding to threats occurring in a network. Thanks to the capabilities of capturing and analyzing traffic using patented machine learning algorithms, even previously unknown attacks can be identified in real-time. The system can collect data from various environments such as private networks, public clouds, or SaaS applications. With artificial intelligence, it detects and prioritizes advanced threats and, thanks to its integration capabilities with existing third-party solutions, it can also react quickly and effectively.

Vectra AI is an American company that provides an NDR-class platform for monitoring and detecting threats in IT networks. Vectra's Cognito platform ensures continuous, automated network monitoring to uncover unknown cyberattacks. The system also offers integration capabilities with a range of third-party solutions, enabling it not only to detect threats but also to actively respond to them.

The Cognito platform consists of 3 modules.

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NDR - COGNITO DETECT - automates the detection of intruders and hidden, unknown threats in real-time across private networks, public clouds, or SaaS applications. COGNITO RECALL - stores logs extended with additional metadata in the manufacturer's cloud, where security analysts can analyze historical incidents. COGNITO STREAM - allows sending detection data in Zeek format to existing customer solutions such as data lakes or SIEM for data storage.

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