

Cyber Ark Identity

Новата реалност променя не само ежедневието ни, но и познатите ни професионални практики.

Преминаването към отдалечен достъп, настройването на политиките за сигурност и преместването на логическия периметър на мрежите са само част от промените в работната комуникация, причинени от пандемията. Дистанционната работа в сравнение с класическия офис модел, създава нов пейзаж отзаплахи. Защитата на потребителската самоличност се превръща в ключов фактор в сигурността на организациите.

Присъединете се към поредицата от уебинари, организирани от експертите на CyberArk, и научете повече за заплахите, тенденциите в сигурността и цялостния подход в защитата на самоличността за бизнес и технически (привилегированите) служители.

Topic Description Date Time Link

 Security trends in  the context of  identity  protection

During the meeting, we will cover topics related to  security trends and problems observed in the Region. The session  will have a form of discussion panel where invited experts will  share their observations and thoughts.


 11:00 EET

Registration link

 Secure and ergonomic  remote  access for business  and technical  Staff

Conventional remote Access (based on VPN technology) often does not address business and Technical needs, such as: quick and easy Access and User Provisioning, security aspects, administrative overhead related to maintaining security policy and reconfiguration of the environment, etc. During the meeting we will introduce to you a new strategy for remote Access that covers all above-mentioned aspects and more.

22.04.2021 11:00 EET   Registration link

 The new vision for cloud  environments protection

Digital transformation is currently not only a plan for the distant future, but often a project already started in many Organizations. Cloud environments and cloud identities (both: people and machines) protection is a fundamental aspect that should be paid attention to. During the session we will focus on how to develop an effective security strategy for cloud environments.

13.05.2021 11:00 EET Registration link

 Workstation as a hotspot    for most modern attacks -  principles of effective user  workplace

Recent security incidents analysis undercover common patterns and methodologies used during various attacks and campaigns carried out by cybercriminals. Escalation of rights, launching an unauthorized applications, credentials theft, lateral and vertical movements between systems are just some of the techniques that have remained unchanged in concept and effectiveness for years. Please join us and learn how to protect users work environment and identity in the new, comprehensive way.

27.05.2021 11:00 EET Registration link